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Find Your WHY

A course from Simon Sinek

USD $150

Simon defines your WHY as a deep-seated purpose, cause, or belief that is the source of your passion and inspiration. Everyone possesses a WHY, but the challenge is articulating it into words. This is why Simon developed this course—to help you discover yours.

Living with a strong sense of purpose can enhance our well-being and add clarity to the lens through which we view the world. “Finding my WHY literally changed my life,” says Simon. “It was so powerful, I wanted to share it with as many people as I could and wanted everyone I met to learn their WHY, too. It’s an amazing feeling to live with purpose, on purpose.” 

Simon will be with you every step of the way.

USD $150 USD $105

Living with Purpose Makes You Healthier, Says Science

Living with purpose is more than just a nice thing to have. The benefits are backed by multiple studies from highly reputable journals and institutions. Living a life with a clear sense of purpose is strongly connected to:

Greater Satisfaction at Work[1] “Psychological Success: When the Career is a Calling,” Douglas T. Hall and Dawn E. Chandler, the Journal of Organizational Behavior, February 3, 2005 and in Life[2] “Purpose, Hope, and Life Satisfaction in Three Age Groups,” Kendal Cotton Bronk, Patrick L. Hill, Daniel K. Lapsley, Tasneem L. Talib & Holmes Finch, The Journal of Positive Psychology, February 6, 2009
More Income and a Higher Net Worth[3] “The Value of a Purposeful Life: Sense of Purpose Predicts Greater Income and Net Worth,” Patrick L. Hill, Nicholas A. Turiano, Daniel K. Mroczek, and Anthony L. Burrow, Journal of Research in Personality, September 4, 2016
Increased Cognitive Function[4] “Does Purpose Play a Positive Role in Mental Health?” The Mayo Clinic Health System, March 15, 2023
Better Sleep[5] “Does Purpose Play a Positive Role in Mental Health?” The Mayo Clinic Health System, March 15, 2023
Lower Risk of Depression and Anxiety[6] “The Relationship Between Purpose in Life and Depression and Anxiety: A Meta-Analysis,” Ian D. Boreham, Nicola S. Schutte, Journal of Clinical Psychology, August 12, 2023
Greater Emotional Strength in the Face of Stress and Trauma[7] “Purpose in Life Predicts Better Emotional Recovery from Negative Stimuli,” Stacey M. Schaefer, Jennifer Morozink Boylan, Carien M. van Reekum, Regina C. Lapate, Catherine J. Norris, Carol D. Ryff, and Richard J. Davidson, PLOS One, November 13, 2013
Less Physical Decline with Age[8] “Association Between Purpose in Life and Objective Measures of Physical Function in Older Adults,” Eric S. Kim, Ph.D; Ichiro Kawachi, MD, Ph.D; Ying Chen, ScD, JAMA Psychiatry, October 2017.
A Reduced Risk of All-Cause Mortality[9] “Purpose in Life and Its Relationship to All-Cause Mortality and Cardiovascular Events: A Meta-Analysis,” Randy Cohen, Chirag Bavishi, Alan Rozanski, Psychosomatic Medicine, Feb-March 2016

“If you can articulate your sense of purpose, it’s worth about an extra seven years to your life.”

-Dan Buettner

Author of Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer from the People Who’ve Lived the Longest

Explore Simon’s Lessons

Are you ready to uncover your unique purpose and apply it to your life, decision-making, work, and relationships? In this three-part course, Simon will guide you through his personal methods of self-discovery, help you delve deep into the memories and stories that have shaped who you are, and leave you with a powerful WHY statement.

Find Your Why with Simon Sinek


Simon walks you through his concept of The Golden Circle, preps you for self-discovery, and begins the powerful journey into the memories that helped shape who you are.


Where the magic begins. In the following 14 chapters, you will share your personal stories, gather the important themes that connect your stories, and finalize a first draft of your WHY statement.


Congrats, you have a WHY! So now, what? The final portion of the course helps you clarify and refine your WHY and explains how to practically apply it to your life.


Download and Share Your WHY

Give Your Team the Power of Purpose

Interested in Find Your WHY for your team or organization? Great! Drop us a line below and let’s chat.



Pretty great actually—thanks so much for asking! We hope you’re having a great day as well.

It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3:
1. Sign in to your account
2. Click on My Learning Dashboard
3. Scroll down to My On-Demand Courses and select Find Your WHY

Don’t worry, we’ve got you!

1. Head here to reset your password

2. Enter your email address (the one you used at checkout)

3. Check your email inbox for further instructions

These courses are designed to help you grow. If after registering and going through a couple of lessons you realize it’s not the right fit, no worries! We will provide you with a full refund within the first five days of trying the course and with less than 25% of the course completed. Just contact us here!

These courses are entirely on demand, so that you can move at your own pace, snack and stretch breaks included. You’ll have access to the content for the next 12 months.

Unleash Your Infinite Mindset

Quantity: 1 quantity = 1 team of up to 20 participants

Teams 20+

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For teams of 20+ contact us

Teams of up to 20

Purchase: $999 $699.30

Unleash Your Infinite Mindset

Bundle & Save: $838.60 SAVE $560

Buy Unleash Your Infinite Mindset and The Art of Building Fiercely Loyal Customers together for only $1,198 $838.60.

The Art of Creating Fiercely Loyal Customers

Quantity: 1 quantity = 1 team of up to 20 participants

Teams 20+

Contact Sales

For teams of 20+ contact us

Teams of up to 20

Purchase: $999 $699.30

The Art of Creating Fiercely Loyal Customers

Bundle & Save: $838.60 SAVE $560

Buy Unleash Your Infinite Mindset and The Art of Building Fiercely Loyal Customers together for only $1,198 $838.60.

Curiosity is essential
                for progress.

We fully agree, so we like to reward curiosity.
Use code GETCURIOUS for 20% off your next purchase.

A spark is something quite small and, by itself, not very powerful. But a spark has the ability to ignite. An idea is like a spark; alone it is just a set of words, but it too can ignite. A great idea can inspire others to dream bigger. Let us all work together to ignite something greater than ourselves.

Let us all be a Spark of Optimism.